
Orlando's Best Golf Resorts, Hotels & Orlando's Best Golf Packages

We offer great Orlando resorts and hotels at discounted prices. Pairing golf and lodging together allows travelers to save big, and large golf groups save even more. Whether you prefer the Orlando's luxurious golf resorts, a full service hotel, a motel near golf, condos right in town, a rental home or to stay in a luxury golf villa -- we have it all, and offer you the best prices for your golf holiday.

                    Region: {{filters.Region}}
Rating: {{filters.StarRating}}
Cost: {{filters.DollarRating}}
Type: {{filters.Type}}
Designers: {{filters.Designer}} {{filters|json}}
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  • {{mapTitle}}
{{filteredBestSellerListings = (Listing | filter : filterByCategory | filter : filterByBestSellers | orderBy : 'OrderBy'); ""}}
{{::recordId = listing.Id; ""}} {{::starRating = roundUp(listing.StarRating); ""}} {{::urlName = formatNameURL(listing.Name); ""}} {{::specials = listing.Specials[0]; ""}} {{::listing.Nights = listing.DisplayType.substr(0,listing.DisplayType.indexOf(' ')); ""}}
{{::listingURL = '/' + formatUrl(listing.Region) + 'hotels/' + urlName; ""}}
Best Seller
{{::getRegionFromAddress(listing.Address);}} {{::facilityName = listing.Name; ""}} {{::mapUrl = listing.Name.replace(" ", "-"); ""}} {{::mapLatLog = ""; ""}} Map
{{::numOfReviews = listing.NumOfReviews; ""}}  {{::numOfReviews}} reviews {{::modalName = 'reviews' + packageId + recordId; ""}} {{::modalTitle = facilityName + ' Reviews'; ""}} {{::modalSize = 'md'; ""}}
Major Redevelopment
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Learn More View Resort Packages {{::modalName = 'specials' + recordId; ""}} {{::modalTitle = facilityName + ' Specials'; ""}} {{::modalSize = 'lg'; ""}}
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The following promotional discounts apply:


Must book between {{promo.BookBetweenStart}} and {{promo.BookBetweenEnd}}.

Must stay between {{promo.StayBetweenStart}} and {{promo.StayBetweenEnd}}.


{{::recordId = listing.Id; ""}} {{::starRating = roundUp(listing.StarRating); ""}} {{::urlName = formatNameURL(listing.Name); ""}} {{::specials = listing.Specials[0]; ""}} {{::listing.Nights = listing.DisplayType.substr(0,listing.DisplayType.indexOf(' ')); ""}}
{{::listingURL = '/' + formatUrl(listing.Region) + 'hotels/' + urlName; ""}}
Best Seller
{{::getRegionFromAddress(listing.Address);}} {{::facilityName = listing.Name; ""}} {{::mapUrl = listing.Name.replace(" ", "-"); ""}} {{::mapLatLog = ""; ""}} Map
{{::numOfReviews = listing.NumOfReviews; ""}}  {{::numOfReviews}} reviews {{::modalName = 'reviews' + packageId + recordId; ""}} {{::modalTitle = facilityName + ' Reviews'; ""}} {{::modalSize = 'md'; ""}}
Major Redevelopment
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Learn More View Resort Packages {{::modalName = 'specials' + recordId; ""}} {{::modalTitle = facilityName + ' Specials'; ""}} {{::modalSize = 'lg'; ""}}
Special Promotions

The following promotional discounts apply:


Must book between {{promo.BookBetweenStart}} and {{promo.BookBetweenEnd}}.

Must stay between {{promo.StayBetweenStart}} and {{promo.StayBetweenEnd}}.


{{modalName = 'mapPopup'; ""}} {{modalTitle = 'Lodging Map'; ""}} {{modalSize = 'lg'; ""}}

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{{starRating = review.Rating; ""}}
Reviewed {{formatDate(review.Date)}}
Reviewed {{formatDate(review.Date)}}


{{review.Comment | limitTo : 80}}... {{review.Comment}}